Sunday, August 9, 2015

My Soul mate ♡

So I have fallen in love... yes and it's not the kind that you are thinking of (still single over here). I've heard people talking about that one workout they they just love and it's the perfect match for them. Well I've found mine!  You may wonder... How do you know that you've found your soul mate workout?... Is there really such a thing?... Can you really be happy well working out?  I would have thought you were nuts had you told me that years ago! I'm hear to tell you it's all true!
My love, my soul mate is called Cize!  It's the newest workout program from Beachbody and it makes me incredibly happy and sweaty ;)  it's the perfect relationship! So this leads to the first question how do you know when you've found your soul mate workout? Well I  think when you are working out and find yourself smiling and having fun and not really thinking about it as a workout but realize you are completely drenched with sweat, it's a pretty good indication.  For me that is definitely Cize.  So yes to answer the second question there really is such a thing as your soul mate workout. So how do you find yours you might ask? Well for that you have to try new things. Scary I know!
Seriously though you have to be open to new possibilities.  Like really what's the worst thing that's going to happen? You might lose an hour of afternoon/evening or your time. You might completely humiliate yourself trying something new out out or you might just have so much fun you want to try it out again.  It's all about stepping out of your comfort zone. Sometimes you can be so comfty and cozy in there that it's hard to do but you might missing an amazing opportunity knocking on your door.  For me Cize is definitely helping me to break out of my comfort zone and by doing so is giving me more confidence! So here is a little side story for you...
I did something the other day I had never done before and I videotaped myself doing my Cize routine. I was really sacred and nervous to post it anywhere like who would want to see me do this? Well I got up enough courage and posted it in our private accountability group of Facebook for Cize.  At least everyone in the group is doing the same program as me. Well I was greeted with such positivety and kind words, I even encouraged others to post there videos.  After that I threw caution to the wind and posted it on my Facebook page the next day! I didn't care that I jiggled all over because I'm a REAL person doing a REAL workout! My video has been seen by over 770 people. It's like I took a hammer and smashed my comfort zone and broke it completely down and found happiness and confidence in the process. If that video helps at least one person see that they can dance and do the program it's all worth to me.
So to answer the last question YES you can be happy and workout.  If you find something you love to do, it's not a chore.  It's not a oh great I have to go kill myself working out.  It's an Yes, I can't wait to get home so I can do this! It's a Yes, I'm smiling and sweating at the same time. It's a Yes I have found a passion in my workouts and I want to share it with everyone! Yes I've gone a little Crazy... Crazy in love for a healthy happy lifestyle that I wouldn't want to change. So crazy in fact that I decided to go get certified to be able to teach other people how do Cize Live. That's right I don't have a perfect body and I'm ok with that because I know I'm a work in progress too.  I once felt like I was drowning in my body but now I am resurfacing and uncovering who I am and what my purpose is :) I want to help others with their journey too, it's my passion, it gives me great joy.

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